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Bulgaria & Sofia"Those who don't have not so many things to offer are always the firsts to give something" . Thanks also to the personwho made me discover all the facets of this country. I'll show you the country from east to west, starting with the capital Sofia to Varna (which is the 2nd or 3rd biggest city of Bulgaria), passing by Veliko Ternovo, and then going along the Black Sea crossing Obzor, Nessabar and Sozopol.
In SOFIA, the first thing you notice is the presence of the local mafia. I might be wrong, but the presence of so many big dark windows cars it's weird. Especially when there're three hefty men inside. Besides, there're some nice monuments, either old or new, like the Alexandre Nevski cathedral or the markets. For the nolstalgic people: on the 1st floor there's a real baker. But remember that is very important during travels, to try the local specialities ! Then, during your walks, you'll maybe meet one of these kind men, so quiets. Now, let's go to the centre of the country, Veliko Ternovo (Veliko tarnovo). The country is relatively mountaineous and covered with plateaus. Here's an exemple of village.