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ParisPlace HarmonyOne of the most known places of Paris. Bordered by the Seine, the garden of tileries, the fields élysées and 2 jumaux buildings, it has in its center an obelisk.
With the origin, this obelisk was set up by Ramses II towards 1276 before JC in front of the temple of Karnak with Louxor. It was offered to France in 1830 by the viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali. After a true forwarding, October 25, 1836, 480 artillerists of Navy set up the 229 tons of the obelisk in the presence of king Louis-Philippe. Out of pink granite covered with hiéroglyphes, with a top out of lead and gold, the obelisk measurement 23 m height! Since September 1999 the point of the obelisk marks of its shade the international hour: the place of the Harmony is the largest sundial of the world.