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> une bananeraie
Bananeraie or a industrial banana plantation
Here's a short summary of the life of our beloved and appreciated bananas, which now can be found in every market around the world. The fruits are swaddled (with a plastic bag) since they're very young and small, and this is to avoid all risks of illness and also to protect them from the attacks of the animals. In fact, because we like to buy good-looking fruits, it's really important to keep them in a perfect condition until they're exported. The final effect is lots of trees full of blue bags. You could say that in France we have trees with bottles on (i'm thinking about the Olivet pears, or about all those drinks which contains a whole fruit inside their bottle). Afetr the harvesting, each bunch is cut to make some packs of 6 or 7 bananas which has to be soaked. Then they have to sort them out.
before sending them to all the country in the world. In fact, the Costa Rica is the second exporting country in the world behind the equator.