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> Abir hotel
Hotel AbirDjerba - Tunisia
Some pictures of the swimming pool (before the half of May the température of the water isn't very hot)
Otherwise, the interiour swimming pool is really agreeable. There, the temperature of the water is hotter than outside (sometimes a bit too much).
The hotel by night : it seems to be in a dream
The hall, the game room and the interiour and exteriour 'terraces'
In front of the "private"beach, a beautiful beach not always clean but absolutely pleasant.
The path to go to the beach . The hotel is about 500 metres from the beach. At the end of the garden there's a small path which goes directly to the beach.
Then a bit of asphalt, and further 2 or 3 entrances of others hotels, We finally arrive in front of the Abir hotel private beach. The beach (and the entrance too) is shared with another hotel, the Isis, a bit smaller of Abir's.
The surroundings of the hotel (the gardens, the street, the small local grocer's which is often useful) The entrance and the path which brings to the tennis court
Some views of the swimming pool. As you can see, in april there're not lots of people having a swim....
The street in front of the entrance On the way to the beach you can see a giant and magnificent hotel. Here's one of the path on the side of the beach. In fact i should say boulevard, and not just path. While you're walking here, you've the impression to be really small... Surely there isn't the charm of the little hotels, but each to his own !
The animation staff... and one of the animators. They're very nice, and not annoying at all Picture of a room; they're really simple but clean. The last day of my stay I asked for a room (i left at 8 p.m., while you're supposed to leave the room at noon) and they gave me one which looked like the one i had before. and here's some pics of the bathroom...
The quality of the service is good; the reception is really nice and they really try to do their best to satisfy you. A remark about the price : the hotel propose a all-inclusive package, but in reality there're not many things included !! It's just a full board without drinks, and the price of the drinks doesn't come cheap (a bit frustrating when you travel with your family..)
Address and phone number of ABIR hotel : BP 72 Zone Touristique Midoun