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You are here : Home > Pictures and tips for a good travel > Tunisia - Djerba > South of Tunisia

South of Tunisia


Here's a little tour of the South of Tunisie. You'll have the possibility to discover some wonderful desert landscapes. You can also appreciate the island of Djerba and lot of others things...


These pics were taken during the daytrips organized by the Abir hotel, by a person who seemed to be independent from the hotel.

une maison typique - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
campagne tunisienne  - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
maison typique d'une grande ville - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


Tunisienne en train de prendre de l'eau  - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
un cheval tunisien  - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
une femme tunisienne  - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


Daytrip in the South of Tunisia

lac salé  - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
lac salé - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
lac salé - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


passing by the salted lake , in the mainland next to the island of Djerba.

oliveraie - ile de Djerba - Tunisie

Another speciality of the region: the olives. There're numerous and vast olive groves.

marché à touriste typique - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
marchandises locales - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


you can also visit some markets of local products. They really sell local products, but i had rather the impression to see a livestock market , and we're the livestock. You're harassed everywhere: it's impossible to walk peacefully for more than 2 metres.

It's a pity cause there're some really nice local markets. Don't hesitate not to enter in those markets you are not interested to. You can just have a walk in the street sof the cities. And if you've 5 minutes you can have a tea in one of the bars of the street (which are frequented just by men) to have a good impression of the country.

Once you're arrived in the South, the scenery changes and it becomes desert. Its here, in the mountains of Atlas, which have been shooted the Georges Lucas' movie: Star Wars

paysage aride du sud de la tunisie - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride et montagneux ou a été tourné la guerre des etoiles - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage du sud - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage du sud - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride et montagneux - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage montagneux - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


village du sud - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage aride, decor du film de la guerre des etoiles - ile de Djerba - Tunisie



marché local à touriste - ile de Djerba - Tunisie

Again one of the "disinfected" markets, where there're only tourists.


paysage du sud - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
paysage du sud - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


Sometimes you'll see also a little of vegetables, but it's very rare.

tataouine - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
village de tataouine - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


Here's the village of Tataouine. It's really the world's end.Vraiment le bout du monde. But it's so agreeable. On the other end, to live there you really have to be born inside !

village grenier - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
greniers - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


petite boutique de Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie

mer entre Djerba et la Tunisie

Coming back from Djerba, you'll inevitably pass by this street which cross the sea.

plage - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
plage - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


There, a rainy day (everybody says that it never rains there. But evidently there're some ecceptions...) we decided to visit the country by ourselves. So we followed the advices of the guide (who sells his own excursions) and we left to a city that was supposed to be really close. We're 12, so we needed to find 3 taxis. Then, we set off .

Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


As you can see, the only interesting thing of these wonderful cities are a school and a bakery. We will surely never forget the super advices of the guide....I hope that he gives some better ones to his customers ! But it's normal, if you think that this is his only source of revenues.

Then we decided to go to the big city of Midoun. At least we knew we could find something to see there...

place principale de Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
place principale de Midoune sous la pluie - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


View of the main square

petit marché local de Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
boutique de Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
Boutique spécialisée dans les olives à Midoune - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


and a little market more or less indoor. There you'll find fresh fish, olives, meat, local bread, fruits and vegetables.p..

Masi... that day tha market wasn't open, so we're obliged to content ourselves with the touristic shops.

Here we are on the way back, on the street of the market of Midoun...

guêpe - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
ramasseur de guêpes - ile de Djerba - Tunisie


On the way, a guy who pick up some wasps, or a kind of. It's incredible if you consider the size of the animal.


Then, we finished making an excursion to djerba. The aim was to travel through the countryside in turn by caravan, by camel and by horse.

We can see that the scenery is quite arid but this give a real impression abut what the South of Tunisia is.

 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie
 - ile de Djerba - Tunisie



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