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You are here : Home > Pictures and tips for a good travel > Other > Behavior of the motorcyclists : the proof

Motorcyclists and

their behavior

Here an article which summarizes well the behavior and the motorcyclist spirit. We do not speak obviously about the scooter and others cyclos. I take it again here because it is necessary that the truth is known. For the majority among us, the motor bike is a pleasure which one wants to profit a long time. Admittedly there will be always exceptions, and probably more at the young drivers, more nervous than the average and surely less tested. But let us speak about general information:

"It is an obviousness recognized by all: the motor bike is more dangerous than the car. Very exactly 6 times more in raw data, and even 21 times more when one brings back the statistics to the number of traversed kilometers. 1 and 30 million motorcyclist million motorists, France took into account 923 indeed killed to motor bike and 4 602 in the car in 2002, according to figures' of the Management of safety and the road traffic (DSCR).

Whereas they are only one negligible proportion of the traffic (0,8%), the motorcyclists represent nearly 13% of the victims. A sad report which, taken as that, makes it possible the government to justify a particularly repressive policy with regard to speed, including for the motorcyclists, these " poor pupils " of the road safety who must " initially comply with the existing rules before asking for their modification ", according to the leitmotiv of Rémy Heitz, the interdepartmental delegate (in particular to read Motor bike-Net of March 1, 2004 and our interview of July 17, 2003 )... But it is another obviousness which, if it is generally divided by the whole of the motorcyclists, is definitely less - even at all - by the other users and the authorities: the motorcyclists are definitely more careful than the others! Brought back to the proportion of the park, the risk to have an accident with motor bike is indeed 3,3%, against 9,5% on average for a motorist, according to figures' provided by Club 14 (motor bike subsidiary company of CENTERED France, which ensures 260 000 motorcyclists including 30 000 motardes). The study of the motor bike risk at Club 14 also shows that 7 times out of 10, in an accident implying a car and a motor bike, it is the motorist who is responsible " We recorded 9 000 accidents of motor bikes in 2003 ", us specifies Philip Modolo, the technical person in charge for the branch car-motor bike for CENTERED: " and in an accident between a car and a motor bike, the responsibility for the motorcyclist is committed only in 30% of the cases ". Defect of indicators, not of glance in the retro one, use of the portable at the wheel, reading of the newspaper in the congestions or make-up, the list of these daily settings in danger is long " Yes but I respected the limitations ", will have then beautiful play to specify the motorist convinced by the monomaniaque crusade undertaken since years by the successive governments - that they are of left or right-hand side - against speed.

" the motorcyclists are a vulnerable population but responsible ", summarizes Éric Lemaire, president of CENTERED Prevention. Vulnerable "thus" responsible, one would be tempted to specify... A simple report of good direction which should encourage any government so much is little "responsible", precisely, to immediately set up a true formation at control, rather than to install a thousand of machines out of price (80 000 euros part) to sanction the least going beyond of one kilometer hour (to read notramment Motor bike-Net of March 4, 2004 ... Definitely less profitable in the short run, certainly, but is this really the role of the State to reason like the accountant of SME poitevine?"


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